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Educational Facilitator with Mothers in Mind
Data Protection
We comply with the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) 2018.
How do we receive your personal information
If you send us an email query, we will automatically retrieve your email address. Names and phone numbers can be disclosed to us via a telephone conversation. Often, you may be required to complete a form to process your information for any of Kaydeena's events, workshops or sessions.
Why we require information
We require necessary information on each child whilst they are in our care. Such information will keep confidential and used for the purpose of relevant bookings.
How we use your information
We use your information for administrative purposes and to contact you in relation to Kaydeena updates where relevant. For purchases, we will use your details for the benefit of the sale. This will not be shared with any third parties. You may be entered into a mailing system and/or broadcast list to ensure you do not miss out on future Kaydeena initiatives.
How long we keep your information
If you are a service user, we will keep your data for the necessary period of that service. If you no longer require the service, either we will delete your information, or you can request for your data to be deleted and we will comply accordingly.
Your rights to your information
At any point if our users request access to their information, they should contact us and we will provide this within a reasonable period.
Third Parties
For Kaydeena to work swiftly, we use a few service providers, namely: 3 Mobile;
Outlook; Wix; Web designer - Shahana Khanom.
We often collect your information and share with other events organisers partnering up with Kaydeena for the duration of an event/workshop.
External Links
Clicking on links recommended in this website is at the risk of the user. Kaydeena cannot guarantee or verify the contents of any externally linked website despite our best efforts and responsibility is placed on the user. This website and its owners cannot be held liable for any damages or implications caused by visiting any external links mentioned.
Safeguarding & Child Protection
Kaydeena staff hold a valid Enhanced DBS Certificate, which are available on request. At our parent free workshops, we will always have a member of staff who is trained in Peadiatric First Aid and holds an up to date Certificate.
Toilet Policy
Children are expected to be fully toilet trained andn independent. They will be escorted to the facilities by a member of staff. If they have an accident, we will immediately contact parents. We will do the best we can to make the child as comfortable as possible in the meantime.
Parents/Carers roles
Children will be handed over to parents/carers that are known to staff. If new members want to pick the child up, the primary parent/carer must inform us in advance before we release them to someone different.
In the case of sessions which require the presence of parents or teachers, they will be expected to supervise the child in their care. This is inclusive of behaviour, accidents, toilet supervision, etc. No responsibility is placed upon Kaydeena staff.
Photographs and Videos
For the purpose of our website and marketing, Kaydeena often uses videography or images reflecting its activities. Please make staff aware if you do not want your child's face to be included in these.
Health and Safety
In the Building
We keep a register to regulate who is in each session once children are dropped off, regardless of the workshop your child has been opted into.
A risk assessment is undertaken prior to the booking taking place and then again on the premises each time before sessions start. Equipment such as scissors and glue are set aside and children only use this in the presence of a supervising adult (where age appropriate). Chairs are tucked in and anything which appears to show signs of damage, wear or tear and with a risk to the children or staff, will be removed, replaced or reported to relevant site staff.
Where playtime is scheduled in, Kaydeena will factor in the use of the venue and consider other users that are are also occupying the building at the time, ensuring the spaces we use will be vacated for the sole purpose of Kaydeena. Where possible, we aim to use designated grassed spaces with an option to move to paved areas in cases where the grass is wet or there is no grassed space option. Outdoor equipment and grounds are checked for safety before and during use. Gates are kept closed or children are kept away from open areas.
Before moving to different areas, we ensure children are dressed according to the weather and do a headcount/check the register. We have a minimum of two staff (where parents are not present), and keep at a safe steady pace for the children. Where stairs are involved, children will are taught to stay on one side, holding the railing. Returning indoors, follows the same process.
First Aid
A first aid box is carried at every session we hold, alongside a pediatric first aider who is always present in our team. First aid is applied where required and parents are notified. All first aid is recorded and kept in a secure place. Parents are notified immediately of this and action taken.
Cross contamination is reduced through sanitising hands on entering, after snacks and playtime and at the end of the day. When using the toilet, we ensure children wash their hands with soap and water. Sneezing is encouraged into inner elbows. Areas are checked for hygiene and cleanliness and equipment are regularly cleaned with antibacterial wipes.
Nasheeds, sounds and visuals
Many events and workshops that we carry out will use nasheeds, sounds and visuals which will be for the benefit of its learning element. The sole purpose of using these is to create an ambience and impact further on the child's experience. Sometimes music and sounds are used which is relevant to the event taking place.
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